
UniQreate – A Fresh Perspective

August 9, 2023
UniQreate – A Fresh Perspective

Like all startups we began our journey with a certain vision and a dream of achieving it in almost superhumanly quick time. Our inspiration for our company came from past experiences of the three Co Founders who each brought their own passions into this fledgling initiative. Our ideas came together and we set out to create something unique and so UniQreate was born.

In its inimitable style, life took us through exciting twists and turns and our ideas evolved. Breadth of business focus turned to depth of knowledge about domains and technologies. Each challenge we faced, added new ingredients to the vision and each hurdle we crossed, gave new meaning to our efforts.

In short, we started with generating insights from data in all its unstructured diversity, moved to organizing insights into meaningful reports, switched to discovering relevant data and finally settled on providing one thing to our customers – a truly transformative experience when it comes to extracting data.

In the world filled with options and choices, we wanted to give our users the least stressful, most simple and extremely intuitive way to deal with extraction of data from a variety of document formats and layout. We did not want them to spend days learning a new UI. We did not want them to rack their brains picking up new technical jargon like keywords, similarity, taxonomy, accuracy, recall, precision and acronyms like NLP, ML, AI, DL, BERT, etc. We definitely did not want them to shift their attention away from what is their prime focus, the DATA that they want from a document.

Customer should be able to just pick up the product and get setup to extract data from the documents within minutes. This is the grand goal that we set for ourselves. Against many odds and unknown challenges, the team pulled some amazing feats of engineering to create what we are now offering as our flagship product, xTract.

The challenges we encountered during the journey so far and the learnings we got from it are what this blog is all about. The idea here is to share these insights with others so that they may avoid some of these hidden pitfalls and create some value.

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